Corporate Internet Banking

VeriChannel Corporate Internet Banking allows banks to serve their commercial & corporate customers through one portal via a "virtual branch".
It provides a highly secure and customizable approval flow with flexible authorization levels.
Key Features
Transaction Approvals
- Ability to define approval rules based on transaction amount, account, and beneficiary
- Ability to obtain approvals on transaction from authorized person both for the client and bank side - maker/checker workflows
- Ability to hold and release transactions during approval process
- Ability to provide a graphical display of the approval process
- Ability to give approvals on mobile-based devices
Cash Management
- Ability to upload an excel file containing details of intra-bank and domestic payments for processing and support single debit, multiple credit on a specific date which enables "Bulk Payment"
- Ability to provide an easy way to enter multiple transfer details in single page
- Ability to define employees working in the company for the purpose of "Payroll Payments". Confirm the payments to many employees in one easy step
- Ability to download an Excel file to keep track of the successful and unsuccessful transactions
Delegated Administration
- Ability to provide an admin user functionality for each SME client enrolled to Internet Banking to perform administrative tasks
- Ability to define employees as sub-users and enrol them to Internet Banking
- Ability to set limits for different transactions for each user/role enrolled to Internet Banking
- Ability to restrict access to transactions and functionality
Transfers & Payments
- Ability to make fund transfers between a customer's own accounts in the bank
- Ability to make fund transfers funds between different customer's accounts within the bank
- Ability to make fund transfers to an account at another bank in the same or different country
- Ability to set up standing order instructions for automatic transfers
- Ability to notify customers with SMS and E-mail notifications
Trade Finance
- Ability to make an inquiry on an existing trade finance portfolio
- Ability to search for existing/past finance products